“Service, Sacrifice, and Sustainability"
“Service, Sacrifice, and Sustainability"

ABOUT AL-islam
Allah is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He has no gender. He is all powerful. He knows all things. He hears and sees all things. He has no beginning or end. He does not eat, sleep or drink.
Al-Islam is the complete way of life that reflects submission to the will of God.
What do Muslims
Muslims مسلمون believe in one incomparable God that has no partners or associates.
Muslims believe in all the Prophets from God, from Adam down through the chain of prophets to Muhammad, the Last.
Muslims believe in all the scriptures that the Prophets came with from God.
Muslims believe in the angels, the most notable in the Quran being Jibril (Gabriel).
Muslims believe in life after death or the resurrection. Muslims believe in the day of judgment, when everyone will be called to reckon for their deed before God.
Muslims believe in God's decreee.
Muhammad the Prophet was born in Mecca, the holiest city to Islam in Arabia in the year 570 or in the 6th Century.
What is the Qur’an?
The Qur’an is the last revealed scripture from God to Prophet Muhammad and is the primary source of the Muslim’s faith.
What are the Sunnah and Hadith?
The Sunnah and Hadith are the life examples and practices of Prophet Muhammad and constitute the second most important source of Islamic practice. The Sunnah are the sayings, deeds, decisions, and silent approvals of Prophet Muhammad. The Hadith are authentic compilations of these life traditions.
What are the Five Pillars of Al-Islam?
Belief in One God (Allah),
Salat الصلاة or prayer five times a day to the One God
Siyaam الصيام or Fasting in the month of Ramadan
Zakat الزكة or giving in charity
Hajj الحج or Pilgrimage to the Sacred House, the Kabah, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, at least once.
How many Muslims are there?
Worldwide there are just over 1 billion Muslims. In the United States, there are approximately 8 million Muslims; 35 percent are recognized as indigenous, with the remainder by way of immigration.
Aren’t all Muslims Arabs?
No. 30 percent of Muslims live in the Indian subcontinent; 20 percent in Sub-Sahara Africa; 17 percent in Southeast Asia; 18 percent in the Arab/world. There is a significant Muslim population in China, North America and Australia.
Jumuah جمعة literally means in Arabic “congregation” and is the most important day of all days to Muslims. Jumuah Prayer is on every Friday, just past midday.
What is eid?
Eid عيد in Arabic literally means “recurring happiness.” There are two celebrations every year observed by all Muslims, Eidul Fitr celebrating the completion of Ramadan and Eidul Adha celebrating the completion of Hajj.